Saturday, November 22, 2008

When you're truly fed up

This guy said "fuck it... This is my spot"

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The difference between Iraq and Wyoming

In Iraq you have to check your boots for scorpions before you put them on.
In Wyoming you have to check your trampoline for spiky antlers attached to enormous deer.

I'd still rather be in Wyoming...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Strong Work

Now I know why "positions start at $8.50/hour"...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have a few things on my mind at the moment.

  1. I don't like Obama's politics. Therefore I didn't vote for him
  2. Obama is the President - get used to it.
  3. Obama is the President - respect him for having one of the toughest jobs on earth.
  4. Do not judge before you see what happens - I have my preconceived notions as well, but how fair are we being if we don't even give it a chance? Remember when "we" were all pissed at people for prejudging Bush? Lets not stoop to that level.
  5. CANADA is NOT the answer - for SO many reasons. You think Obama is Socialist? While I agree with you, moving to a country so much more Socialist than we'll ever be is not a wise choice.
  6. How dare you say "lets get outta this country?"??!! You say that and I lump you in with all the America-hating tree-hugging communists you claim to hate. Obama as President or not, this is still the greatest country on Earth and regardless of what you think of our President, you have a better life here than you'd have anywhere else. So Republican or Democrat, again I say: "you don't like it here? we don't need you, so get out."
  7. Never forget the absolutely amazing, graceful, wise and humble parting words of Senator John McCain. This is the reason I truly admire him:
Rant over.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Here we go, Sarah, Here we go

If you can wait 45 min for entrance to Indigo or 3 hours to ride the
Batman roller coaster, you better be willing to put up with a line to
vote. Cause without our system, you'd have neither.

Credits of "Ironman"

Check out who plays Ahmed...